Taieri Gorge Railway, Dunedin

Dunedin is a really beautiful city and we spent longer there than anywhere else in the South Island (having done Christchurch and Queenstown on a previous visit). One of the highlights of our time there was our trip on the Taieri Gorge Railway. Just imagining what it had taken to carve those old tunnels out of the rock faces and create the enormous winding suspension bridges we clackity-clacked over, stopped us in our tracks (excuse the pun!). The scenery was nothing short of spectacular.

We boarded the train in Dunedin and did the return trip back to the same point, they stop in Pukerangi and turn the train around by moving the engine from one end to the other. The return trip was from memory around $86 per person, which we thought was absolutely brilliant value for what amounted to 4 hours of entertainment and stunning scenery. 

A piece of trivia that surprised us - Dunedin railway station is the second most photographed building in the southern hemisphere, after the Sydney Opera house.

Taieri Gorge Railway