Running Kiwis around NZ for 20 Years
During the Canterbury anniversary weekend my wife and I travelled down to Invercargill for a marathon. Nothing unusual there really apart from it being the first time in my life I have travelled further than Cromwell, so I was keen to see as much of our beautiful country as possible.
I had booked a car with Omega but plans changed and we took another vehicle but wanted Omega to be a part of this, as they have helped us "get there" when I have gone to other marathons this year. So I donned my Omega Car Rentals shirt and ran the Invercargill Marathon. By running in the Omega shirt I hope it helped someone think about Omega next time they plan a rental vehicle :)
The Invercargill Marathon is part of the Southland Festival of Running and is just one of many fantastic running events held in New Zealand each year. Events range from fun 5km and 10km charity events to half marathon and marathons across the country. Whether you prefer road runs such as the Auckland Marathon (which is one of the few ways to get across the Auckland Harbour Bridge on foot) or forest runs such as the X-terra Trail Run series you will easily find an event to suit you.
And if Ultra Marathons and Adventure racing is for you we have some of the most spectacular and gut busting events in the world! My next challenge - the Tarawera Ultra Marathon in March - a fantastic, challenging run through single track native bush and forestry trails.
Guest Author: Maurice Tua, Marathon Runner
Congratulatons Maurice, another great result, hope the training for the Tarawera Ultra is going well! Omega Rental Cars has been running Kiwis like Maurice around NZ for the past 30 years and counting